MX Pokal Las Vegas REPORT

srijeda, 20 ožujka 2024

Dirka za MX Pokal v Las Vegasu je bila prvotno predvidena teden dni prej v vikendu 9.3. – 10.3., vendar žal zaradi obilnega deževja in izdana oranžnega alarma za pokrajino Friuli-Venezia Giulia smo bili primorani dirko prestaviti.



SLO. Sobota 16.3.

Veliko tekmovalcev je prišlo na prizorišče že v petek, kjer so lahko opravili trening na progi v dopoldanskem času. Po 14. uri je bila proga zaprta zato, da se je lahko uredila za tekmovalni dan.

V soboto so tekmovalno sezono otvorili najmlajši v kategoriji MX 50, katera je poleg kategorije MX 65 nova kategorija v sezoni 2024 za najmlajše. Nato je sledila kategorija MX 65, ki je postregla z lepo udeležbo in dobrimi vožnjami.

Kategorija WOMEN in MX85 sta imeli skupni štart katerega je v prvi vožnji dobila Tjaša Fifer, kasneje sta Alex Novak in Tai Vidovič postregla z zelo atraktivno vožnjo do ciljne zastavice, katero je slovel Alex.



Preostali kategoriji Bronze 250 in Bronze 450 sta imeli ločen štart. Prve vožnje so uspešno menile in tudi vreme je služilo tako, da je bilo progo med vožnjami potrebno dodatno zaliti, da se ni preveč kadilo. Sledila je druga vožnja, ponovno je kategorija MX85 postregla z izredno vožnjo Taia Vidoviča ter Alexa Novaka, slednji se je žal zapletel s tekmovalci za krog. V kategoriji Bronze 250 se je vrstni red prvih v primerjavi s prvo vožnjo v celoti premešal in tako je na koncu slavil Rebernig Leon in v Bronze 450 je preprečljivo slavil Gerlica Davorin.

  • mesto MX50 Vorl Luka
  • mesto MX65 Repnik Tim
  • mesto MX85 Tai Vidovič
  • mesto Bronze 250 Rebernig Leon
  • mesto Bronze 450 Gerlica Davorin

Nedelja 17.3.

Tekmovalni vikend se je tako nadaljeval v nedeljo, ki je postregla še s lepšim vremenom kot v soboto. Temperatura čez dan se je ogrela vse do 20 stopinj Celzija. Tekmovalno sezono so otvorili tekmovalci kategorije Silver 250 in Silver 450, sledili so jim Veterani 40 in Veterani 50. Lepo število tekmovalcev se je udeležilo v kategoriji Enduro 2-t in Enduro 4-t, ki je tudi postregla z atraktivno vožnjo Moser Paul-a in Mihe Špindlerja, ki sta se borila do konca vožnje! Sledila je kategorija MX125 v kateri so vsi udeleženci pokazali, da ima slovenski motocross potencial, bili so bili prava atrakcija za vse obiskovalce.



Kot zadnja je sledila kategorija GOLD, ki  je bila zelo lepo zastopana in tudi deležna močne konkurence. V prvi vožnji je štart dobil Pölzleithner Alexander in vodil z lepo prednostjo pred Žaler Žanom. Žal pa je Pölzleithner Alexander 3 minute pred koncem grdo padel in se žal hudo poškodoval, dirka je bila prekinjena z rdečo zastavico.  Žal se je zardi nesreče štart druge vožnje zamaknil za 20 minut, v vmesnem času, pa se je proga v celoti poravnala in bila tako varnejša za tekmovalce. Naslednja dirka za MX Pokal sledi v MX Parku Stranska Vas 27.4.2024.

  • 1. mesto Bronze 250 Durante Manuel
  • 1. mesto Bronze 450 Mitterbacher Nico
  • 1. mesto Vet.40 Podgornik Martin
  • 1. mesto Vet.50 Gajser Bogo
  • 1. mesto Enduro 2-t Špindler Miha
  • 1. mesto Enduro 4-t Moser Paul
  • 1. mesto MX125 Vrh Miha
  • 1. mesto GOLD Žaler Žan

Slike so na voljo tukaj:



The race for the MX Cup in Las Vegas was originally scheduled a week earlier in the weekend of March 9. – 10.3., but unfortunately due to heavy rain and the issued orange alarm for the Friuli-Venezia Giulia region, we were forced to postpone the race.

Saturday 16.3.

Many competitors came to the venue already on Friday, where they were able to train on the track in the morning, then the track was closed after 2:00 p.m. and it was prepared for the competition day. On Saturday, the competition season was opened by the youngest in the MX 50 category. MX 50 and MX 65 are new categories in the 2024 season for the youngest. Then followed the MX 65 category, which is served with good participation and good rides. The WOMEN and MX85 categories had a joint start, which was won by Tjaša Fifer in the first race, and later Alex Novak and Tai Vidovič served for a very attractive ride to the finish flag, which Alex won. The remaining categories Bronze 250 and Bronze 450 had a separate start.



The first runs were considered successful, and the weather also cooperated so that the track was additionally watered between the runs so that it did not smoke too much afterwards. The second run followed, again the MX85 category with an extraordinary drive by Tai Vidovič and Alex Novak, the latter unfortunately got involved with a competitor for the round. In the Bronze 250 category, the order of the first ones was completely mixed up compared to the first run, so in the end Rebernig Leon celebrated and in the Bronze 450 Gerlica Davorin celebrated wildly.

- 1st place MX50 Vorl Luka

- 1st place MX65 Repnik Team

- 1st place MX85 Tai Vidovič

- 1st place Bronze 250 Rebernig Leon

- 1st place Bronze 450 Gerlica Davorin



Sunday 17.3.

The competition weekend thus continued on Sunday, which was served with even nicer weather than on Saturday. The temperature during the day warmed up to 20 degrees Celsius. The competitive season was opened by competitors in the Silver 250 and Silver 450 categories, followed by the Veterans 40 and Veterans 50. A good number of competitors took part in the Enduro 2-t and Enduro 4-t categories, which is also served by the attractive driving of Moser Paul and Miha Špindler, who fought until the end of the ride! The MX125 category followed, in which all participants showed that Slovenian motocross has potential and were a real attraction for all visitors. The GOLD category followed as the last one, which was very well represented and also received strong competition. In the first race, Pölzleithner Alexander got the start and led with a good lead over Žaler Žan. Unfortunately, Pölzleithner Alexander took a nasty fall 3 minutes before the end and sadly got seriously injured and the race was stopped with a red flag. Unfortunately, due to the accident, the start of the second run was delayed by 20 minutes, in the interim, but the track was completely redone and thus safer for the competitors. The next race for the MX Cup will take place in MX Park Stranska Vas on 27 April 2024.

- 1st place Bronze 250 Durante Manuel

- 1st place Bronze 450 Mitterbacher Nico

- 1st place Vet.40 Podgornik Martin

- 1st place Vet.50 Gajser Bogo

- 1st place Enduro 2-t Špindler Miha

- 1st place Enduro 4-t Moser Paul

- 1st place MX125 Vrh Miha

- 1st place GOLD Žaler Žan


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